Saturday, October 13, 2012

Journal Entry 101312-B: Boo Boo has a sore right front leg.


Boo Boo has a sore front leg but Doctor Stephanie is gonna check it out for her. I hope she likes this ramp and will use the one next to the bed as well.

We love these little dogs but trying to keep them from jumping off the couch or bed is a major concern as they age and gain a little weight.

I have to watch letting her jump in the back window of my truck from the tool box too because well I just do.

She likes to stand on my leg and look out the window of the truck as we ride down the road so that can be a problem as well but we'll get her healed up or on some pain meds. I hope a little aspirin will suffice until Doctor Stephanie gets a look at her leg.

God bless, Peace, Love and Knowledge!

Floyd Clifton Wooley

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